Broadview Village – The Salvation Army

Update Notices

Update Notice for Families, Friends, Staff and Advocates for the people we support

Latest Update

March 1, 2023

Dear Broadview Village Families, Friends and Advocates

Time certainly seems to have flown by these last few weeks and I find it hard to believe that we are already into March – and yet here we are! Life at Broadview has continued to move toward our pre-pandemic status, but we are also coming to understand that we will not fully return as changes have occurred that will impact our services. The advent of virtual programming, the move of some people we support to a more 24/7 in-house, community-based, support and changes within other organizations’ day programs are all impacting our journey to a “new normal”.  I want to thank all of you for your continued and ongoing support as we move down this path. 

Please accept the following information as important updates on our continued Ministry as part of The Salvation Army.


Each year the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) inspects our programs and sites to ensure provincial legislative requirements are met for the safety and well-being of the individuals we support. This year Compliance Inspection occurred from Jan 09 to Jan 20 at six of our residential programs.

The inspector complimented our organization on many of our systems such as well-developed Individual Support Plans, use of digital health such as eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record), incident reports through Surge Learning platform, complete Health and Safety processes, HR records, and financial reviews. The inspector also acknowledged the complexity of support that many of our residents require.

During compliance however, there were 4 areas falling under the category of “Individual Records” that we did not meet compliance requirements on, but by the time the inspection was completed, we had achieved full compliance. We view compliance not as a burden, but as something that will make our services better. As such, we are truly grateful for this compliance inspection and the recommendations for improvement that it brought forward. We have developed a comprehensive, multi-pronged action plan to further address these areas to ensure that our successful practice continues.

A big thank you went out to the front-line staff, managers, and the Senior Leadership team for their dedication to their work and the people we support. It did not go unnoticed!

COVID Updates

Broadview Village continues to see some positive cases in both our residential programs and day programs with one of our day programs recently needing to be closed for 10 days. We continue to be vigilant with our IPAC measures to ensure everyone’s protection.

In the GTA, COVID-19 activity has been trending down according to wastewater surveillance which measures the presence of COVID-19 from infected individuals. In light of this trend, Broadview Village will now move to mandatory indoor-only masking for everyone (staff, volunteers, contractors, and visitors). Masking is not mandatory outdoors. There may be instances where masking outdoors will be recommended by a senior team member where prolonged physical distancing is not possible with someone who is immunocompromised (e.g. they are receiving chemotherapy or another similar medical scenario) or at high risk of severe disease from COVID-19. If in doubt, please ask Miae Kim, Director of Quality, Risk and Education by clicking here.

Program Updates

February 13th – 19th was Ontario Nonprofit Sector Appreciation Week and I would like to thank the Broadview Families and Friends who submitted letters and acts of kindness regarding our staff. It is so important to celebrate our wonderful front-line staffs’ hard work and it is greatly appreciated coming from families.

Spiritual And Religious Care Update

Broadview Village Chaplaincy Team is excited to invite you to an Easter Celebration Worship Service on Saturday, April 1, 2023, at The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters (2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto). Please mark your calendars and watch for the time and other details to follow soon.

Organizational Updates

We have been busy hiring new front-line staff as well as staff in the areas of Human Relations and most recently an Education Coordinator. We continue to recruit staff in all areas to ensure that our programs can expand to provide much-needed support to as many people as possible, both in our day programs and residentially.

Instagram and Website

For those that are plugged in to social media check out our Instagram account and like and follow at: or if you already have an Instagram account follow and like @salvationarmybroadviewvillage. Don’t forget that a great resource for all things Broadview is our web page at

God Bless and take care.

Arthur (Art) W. Mathews
Executive Director
The Salvation Army – Broadview Village and London Village