Broadview Village – The Salvation Army

Spiritual and Religious Care (SPARC)

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Broadview Village strives to support spiritual care for all persons. This support is extended to all residents/participants and the significant people in their lives, the staff and volunteers. 

Meet our Spiritual Care Team:

Head and shoulders of a Dark skinned man with black hair and goatee wearing glasses and smiling

Chaplain Rajeev

Since 2013, Rajeev has served among people with disability in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Throughout the course of his career with different agencies, Rajeev has directly served the community in a variety of roles. Rajeev has joined the Spiritual and Religious Care team with a passion to see people are connected to their Creator and to be heard well!

Captain June

Captain June

Captain June, along with her husband Brian has been a Salvation Army Officer since 2012. Before coming to Broadview in July 2021 she served as a Chaplain for 5 years in Corrections and Justice in Winnipeg. She enjoys crocheting, other crafts, and walking her two dogs. She loves God, praying, reading Scripture and listening to Gospel music.

Major Pamela Stanger

Pamela has served as a Salvation Army Officer since 1998. She has life experiences from living in 3 countries. Her formal learning is in child development, addictions and mental health, biblical and theological studies, spiritual care, and circle-keeping. She has been an advocate for over 20 years for people who are marginalized and neurologically diverse. She believes in the importance of maintaining balance in physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness.

The following prayer demonstrates our mission:

“Lord, please help me to strengthen their voices, bodies and minds, to express their feelings and control them sometimes, to explore what’s near and venture afar, but most important to love who they are.”
Open book on dock with sky behind
A Teacher's Prayer

The Spiritual & Religious Care Department exists to care for the whole person.

As a community we uphold the values of inclusion, dignity, humility and grace for all people in the way we…

Love one another...

"I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you must love each other.”
Two hands forming heart
John 13:34

Serve one another...

“And serve each other according to the gift each person has received …”
Comforting hand over another hand
1 Peter 4:10

Pray for and with one another...

“...confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
Two hands freeing a dove into the air
James 5:16

Supports for our clients, residents, participants, and staff.

Group of residents around dining table

Group Bible Studies

Each Community Day Program and Residential Program offers a scheduled Bible study/lesson. Participants are engaged in discussion, prayer, activities and music.

person reading

Individual Bible Lessons

As requested, Chaplains are available to facilitate individual lessons for those who require a quiet and calm atmosphere.

Two hands holding shiny heart

Grief and Loss Support Groups

Support Groups are scheduled as needed for people who have recently experienced loss of any kind. These groups are limited to 6–8 individuals.

Residents dressed up

Special Occasions

Worship services, celebrations and seasonal activities are scheduled for occasions such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Notice of events are communicated via email and posters.

Major Christine visiting a resident


The Chaplaincy team is available to visit individuals for spiritual counselling, emotional support, prayer, or relationship building. All discussions are strictly confidential.


Hospital Visitation

Chaplains are available to visit participants, residents, staff and their families during times of hospitalisation.

Married couple

Life Milestones

Each of the Broadview Chaplains are Ordained clergy with The Salvation Army and are able to officiate events such as weddings, funerals, memorials, infant/child dedications and blessings.

Two people with talk bubbles

Referral Services

Chaplains will make referrals as requested for individuals who need further counsel or have needs specific to their desired faith expression.

Times of crisis and isolation are a challenge to us all. But it is never a challenge to our faith. See below for some exciting initiatives  from The Salvation Army Broadview Village’s Spiritual and Religious Care Team!

Try out our Virtual Spiritual and Religious Care Support Offerings for Everyone

Broadview Village Presents our
Christmas Candlelight Service, 2022

Featuring our Broadview Village Chaplains Captain June, Chaplain Rajeev and Major Christine

candy cane, Christmas tree, wreath, bells and holly, Santa hat, Christmas gift

(Get ready with your candles!)

Christmas ornament, wreath, stocking, present red ornaments, red candles, bells
bird logo for Presence to Participation

Presence to Participation: The Spirit is Not Disabled - Webinar Series

Each webinar focuses on experts in the field of disability ministry, from both outside and internally to the Salvation Army, from around the world. We also hear from those who have personal lived experience with disability. 

Major Shelley Kerr (Divisional Headquarters, Bermuda) and Major Christine Johnston (Broadview Village) have both been involved in ministry with people with disabilities for a few years. They have both come to recognize that people with disability, who are often seen as those with needs actually have much to offer our faith communities. Throughout the past few years Shelley and Christine both have developed a growing passion to see all people, regardless of their ability, fully engaged in our Corps and other ministry units. In Christine’s own life experience, she has discovered that her disabilities may cause some limitations and challenges but they are also a gift of God that allow her to minister effectively and often from a unique standpoint.

Presence to Participation

Virtual Spiritual and Religious Care Support Offerings for Staff and Residents Only

Worship at Home

Worship at Home Logo

Camp at Home

Camp at Home Logo

Inquiry About a Submitted Application

General Inquiry

Inquiry About an Existing Position

If you have already applied for a position, please note:
We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.



Student Placement Inquiry

Thank you for your inquiry. We will respond shortly.

Red Dress Day

Red Dress Day, also known as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People, is observed on May 5th. The day honours and brings awareness to the thousands of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people who have been subject to disproportionate violence in Canada. Red Dress Day was inspired by Métis artist Jaime Black’s REDress Project installation, in which she hung empty, red dresses to represent the missing and murdered women. Red dresses have become symbolic of the crisis as a result of her installation.

See at left: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Art installation at Seaforth Peace Park in Vancouver, BC, inspired by Métis artist Jaime Black’s REDress Project. The red dresses symbolize the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada.

(courtesy Edna Winti/Flickr CC)